What is Gina Carano Doing Now?

Posted by: Jen on July 10, 2012

Gina Carano has been training with her acting and physical coaches for the upcoming movie “The Fast and the Furious 6″. The movie will be shot mostly in London from around August to November.

Gina won’t be at this year’s Comic Con, though she is going to be on the Showtime 24/7 series in August that also features Ronda Rousey. She also recently did an interview on ESPN’s In the Game.

Later this year, the movie “In the Blood” will begin shooting. With her busy schedule this rules out any possibility of Gina fighting in 2012.

Source: Gina’s Manager

  • Richard Eells

    Gina, make more movies PLEASE!!! You’re the hottest thing since Cynthia Rothrock. Much hotter, indeed 🙂

  • charlie

    Yeah but I would like to see Gina fight again though. No need for any high profile fights, but some good ones. I’m glad to hear Gina is working on her acting though.